Europe 2-digit postcode / NUTS Edition
European administrative units & 2-digit postcode boundaries
The Europe 2-digit postcode / NUTS Edition features coverage of the European administrative units, with supplementary streets, cities, rivers and lakes. Coverage of the 2-digit postcode boundaries is provided for all European countries. This provides a unified basis for carrying out Europe-wide market analyses and sales territory planning.
The Europe NUTS/2-digit postcode Edition is part of one of the most comprehensive map collections that features the world's largest supply of digital postcode and administrative maps. This collection includes coverage of more than 240 countries, ready for immediate incorporation into geomarketing software, geographic information systems (GIS), Internet- and intranet applications, data warehouses and CRM systems.
All maps are manually digitized by our own experienced team of in-house cartographers. All maps thus adhere to our strict quality standards, meaning that all maps are precise and 100% error-free and feature seamlessly fitting boundaries without gaps or overlaps. This is true not just for the administrative and postal boundaries, but also for the topographic map levels, such as the lines that comprise the streets and bodies of water. The layer table columns are also structured such that those from additional maps can be easily added.
For many countries, regions are labeled in both the native language and script as well as the international form (ASCII).
Delivery | 2-3 days |
Available languages | German, English |
Package contents | The maps will be delivered as a download. Maps for each country are saved in separate files. The data format and scope are determined by the products you select. |
License | single workstation / in-house |
Postcode maps | 2-digit postcodes for Europe |
Administrative maps |
Specific layers | No |
Countries | No |