Geomarketing software for geographic analyses
RegioGraph is an award-winning geomarketing software that allows you to visualize and analyze your company data directly on digital maps. In combination with the included GfK purchasing power data, you can use RegioGraph to display your customer distribution, evaluate your sales structure and discover untapped market potential. The new RegioGraph TeamConnect add-on lets you share results online with colleagues, leading to more streamlined communication and decision-making.
The right version for every need: Select from among three RegioGraph software versions: Analysis, Planning and Strategy. The RegioGraph TeamConnect add-on is available for all versions. Watch our comparison of software versions to determine which is best for your needs. We additionally offer RegioGraph LocationAdvice, a browser-based online application that allows you to carry out location analyses when traveling or in the field.
Current versions
For sales, marketing, controlling and expansion planning