Market data
Comprehensive, regionalized data on potential for all of Europe
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Purchasing Power
GfK Purchasing Power reveals the regional distribution of the population's disposable income.
GfK Demographics provides detailed demographic information on the population.
Population by Age Group
GfK Population by Age Group includes up-to-date population figures, subdivided into 17 age groups.
Population and Households
GfK Population and Households reveals information on the population and households.
Retail Centrality
GfK Retail Centrality is an indicator of the retail attractiveness of a given city.
Retail Turnover
GfK Retail Turnover reveals the regional distribution of brick-and-mortar retail turnover.
Retail Purchasing Power
GfK Retail Purchasing Power refers to the portion of general purchasing power available for retail spending.
Purchasing Power for Retail Product Lines
GfK Purchasing Power for Retail Product Lines provides a detailed breakdown of consumer potential for several product lines.
OTC Purchasing Power
GfK OTC Purchasing Power reveals the disposable income available for non-prescription health-care products.
Purchasing Power for Automobiles
GfK Purchasing Power for Automobiles reveals purchasing power for the automotive industry.
Purchasing Power for Holiday Travel
GfK Purchasing Power for Holiday Travel reveals the regional sales potential for private holiday travel.
Purchasing Power for Organics
GfK Purchasing Power for Organics reveals the disposable income available for organic products.
Regional Consumer Styles
GfK Regional Consumer Styles reveals information regarding the consumer behavior and value orientations of target groups.
Office Supplies Potential
GfK Office Supplies Potential shows the regional market potential for office-related supplies.
GfK Businesses shows the distribution of companies with regard to their number.
Regional Online Potential
GfK Regional Online Potential shows the regional distribution of people who have a particular affinity for making purchases online.
Visitor Frequencies
GfK Visitor Frequencies show how many and which people visited a specific location at a specific time.
GfK data insights
What makes our offering unique
Comprehensive and regionalized for all of Europe.
Use our market data for your geomarketing analyses for Germany and all of Europe.
Wide range of demographic data, purchasing power and company structure.
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Extensively researched and updated regularly.
We research and update our data to ensure you have the latest insights.
Custom calculation of potential for your products and markets.
Contact us to learn more about how we can provide data that meets your unique needs.